- How should kids be parented?
- What should be the social arrangements? An extended family, nuclear family, a village, corporate day care?
- What should be the guiding principles? Love? Obedience? Loving obedience? Humor? Empowerment? Subordination? Time outs? Separate cribs or co-sleeping? Breast feeding or bottle? Child-centered or parent-centered? etc.
- What were the best parts of how you were parented (since the worst parts don't really belong in a public class blog)?
- How do you think you'd parent if you're put in that position?
- Do you think babies should be treated more like adults or like puppies?
- Do you think parenting will "come naturally" or do you think you'll have to research multiple perspectives and come up with a (possibly evolving) model in collaboration with other family members? Did your family read books about how to parent you or do informal research such as talking to other family members?
Write 2-3 paragraphs about your thoughts in response to a few of the questions above.
Part 2: First research
When Parenting Theories Backfire
Lesson Plan from Developmental Psychology course
Attachment parenting
Continuum Concept
Ferber Method
Lesson Plan from Developmental Psychology course
Attachment parenting
Continuum Concept
Ferber Method
Check out the links above and write another two paragraphs responding to two or more of the texts.
Due Wednesday, May 19th 8:30am.