What are the details of our daily existence? What systems dominate our lives? What meanings can we make of our situation?

This social studies/humanities course will steal from various disciplines - including anthropology, critical theory, cultural studies, economics, futurology, history, philosophy, political science, psychology, and sociology - to help us make sense of our situation.

A major goal of the course will be to focus your attention on your own life. Together we will investigate major systems that create and rule our lives including capitalism, school, family, popular culture, and the US government. And we will figure out how to interpret our lives, and these systems, and the collision of our lives and these systems.

We will detour into the future and the past but our journey will be primarily contemporary.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Another Update

Ok - finished the grading for the semester. I have to drop the obligatory martyred teacher pose and confess that I deeply enjoyed reading most of the papers and also some of the triangle partner helps.

It probably helped that this marked my discovery of Pandora radio but the main factors were the quality of insight and writing and openness that many of you brought to your papers. I started planning our next book ...

Three quick spelling suggestions and a cursing reminder:
1. Definitely not defiantly (although makes interesting clinking noise in some sentences)
2. Rite (as in ritual) not right - when it relates to passage or initiation
3: Loose like jeans. Lose a game. Losing - what the Jets did Sunday.
Swear Words Reminder: Your blogs contribute to the insight of a worldwide audience. Please avoid unnecessary and unhelpful drama by finding socially accepted substitutes.

The list of kind souls who made my grading load lighter, who will be rewarded with a chance to shine on the exam on Wednesday at 9am - promptly. If you're pretty sure you failed but don't find yourself on this list, email me by 9pm Tuesday, in case I made a mistake.

Ultimate chance for semester credit:
  1. Brendan B
  2. Remy C
  3. Paul P
  4. Richard S
  5. Paola Y
  6. Andrew C
  7. Lauren C
  8. Chelsea G
  9. Beatrice H
  10. Sam K
  11. Cindy L
  12. Amanda M
  13. Jace C
  14. Ean M
  15. Suoinnorra R
  16. Russell R
  17. Kareem T
  18. Abe T
  19. Katherine V
  20. Kevin W
  21. Juliette B
  22. Jessica C
  23. Yasmin J
  24. Anias J
  25. Granit
  26. Elias N
  27. Jin O
  28. Victor S

To improve quarter 2 grade (currently below 65) and thereby semester grade by 5 points:
  1. Aja H
  2. Gavin M
  3. Dinorah Y
  4. Jenise L
  5. Sam R
  6. Ellen S
  7. Stephanie A
  8. Chris R
Tips for the exam - absorb the blogs of Yu-Xi, John L, and myself. Special attention to films & related essays, unit-ending essays (both units), art projects, stories, etc. And don't forget the orientation I offered earlier.

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