What are the details of our daily existence? What systems dominate our lives? What meanings can we make of our situation?

This social studies/humanities course will steal from various disciplines - including anthropology, critical theory, cultural studies, economics, futurology, history, philosophy, political science, psychology, and sociology - to help us make sense of our situation.

A major goal of the course will be to focus your attention on your own life. Together we will investigate major systems that create and rule our lives including capitalism, school, family, popular culture, and the US government. And we will figure out how to interpret our lives, and these systems, and the collision of our lives and these systems.

We will detour into the future and the past but our journey will be primarily contemporary.

Friday, September 11, 2009

How To Make A Blog for This Course

First, take a deep breath. This is not going to be that hard. Only about 10% of the people who do this meet massive frustration and at least half of them just forget their log-in info.

1. Create a google identity. Here. This will help you in life. If you don't already have one I suggest that you pick one that wouldn't be embarassing to a professor. So - BBallerFlyBoyYoMama might not be the best choice - even if it weren't already taken. Something like ASnyder is better. But don't use that one either. You can do something that isn't a gmail account using your existing email if you choose.

2. Create a blogger account. Please make sure that you use ONLY your first name and first initial of your last name. Please do not post any photos of yourself likely to fascinate weirdo stalkers. Please also include what section you're in. Feel free to make the title "Personal/Political by (your name)". For the address pick anything you want - something "respectable" is better. Please select a color scheme with dark letters and light background, that will be highly readable for the poor schmo who will be reading 96 of these at a time.

3. Click "view blog" and copy the URL (the webaddress at the top of the page).

4. Go to the UTFL Messageboard and IN THE CORRECT SECTION reply to the addresses thread to offer your address together with your first name and first initial of last name.

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